Wednesday, May 1, 2019

About Love and Happiness

Esther Hicks (also known as Abraham), motivational speaker, author, life coach, is one of the first supporters of the current law of attraction, and we know it from the documentary The Secret. In the book "Ask and it is given," she speaks to us about the law of attraction, happiness and emotion.

Our happiness is due to our emotions that function as a navigation system. Once we have decided that what will make us happy is a certain action, our emotions provide us with a guidance system. They help us get through where we to where we want to be. So we can figure out what makes us happy, listening to the emotions, "and in this life the greatest priority is our happiness."

When your emotions indicate a state of joy, happiness, it means that you are completely connected to the Source and implicitly transmit this state of connection to those around you.
This means that you do not have to do things for others because they also have access to Source. The greatest help you can give is your fulfillment and happiness that will flow over all those you come into contact with. "The greatest gift you can offer is your happiness."

If the people around you depend on your actions / gestures to be fulfilled, then they are enslaved. You can not be responsible for their happiness, realize that if they need a certain action / gesture on your part to feel happy, then they are the ones who have a problem.

Your happiness does not depend on the actions of others, and the happiness of others does not depend on you, but only on their vibrational balance. Your happiness depends on learning how to use your own Emotional Guidance System. Once you start to trust your own feelings and emotions to decipher what is behind them, you will be able to know clearly what is the right way to your own happiness.
"With every thought you emit, you will feel whether you are right or if you are away from fulfilling your desires." Abraham-Esther Hicks advises us not to use external sources of guidance because no one knows us better than ourselves. Those around us can also influence our influence in building the road to happiness because they can print their own desires on our life.
This requires patience in the self-education of emotions to "guide yourself, directly to achieve your own goals."

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