Thursday, May 2, 2019

Get what you want in just 6 steps: step 4 is going to shock you!


Relax your mind. Meditate for 5-10 minutes. By doing so, you will increase your mind power and you will enter into a state of relaxation. This step is optional, but recommended.


Be sure of what you want. And when you decide what you really want, do not doubt your dream. Remember that you are sending a request to the Universe that is created by thoughts. Clarify exactly what you want with details. If you are unclear or uncertain about your desire, the Universe will get a blurred frequency and send you results that you do not want. So be sure it's something strong that you're excited about.


Ask the Universe. Make your request. You do not have to talk or use words, because Infinite Intelligence does not hear the words. Send a mental picture of what you want and the Universe will answer. Imagine that this is already yours. Be the owner. Visualize that image and feel the excitement you have when you already receive that. The more detailed your vision, the better it is. For example, if you want a car, watch yourself driving it. Feel the interior, play some music, touch it. You must experience all the senses when you visualize.


Write your wish on a paper sheet. Start with "I'm so happy and grateful now, because (...)" and continue with what you want. Write the phrase at the present time, as if it were already yours. Avoid negations. Every day until your desire materializes, close your eyes and imagine that you are already the possessor of the desired work.


Show gratitude. Write all the things that the Universe gives you. Be thankful for what you already have. Infinite intelligence has done a lot of things for you. Rewarding the Universe with little gratitude, will motivate it to bring us more desired things in our lives. By showing gratitude, you will make your desire manifest even faster.


Trust the Universe. Bob Proctor said, "Get away and let God act for you." Once you have gone through all the steps, remove your attention from viewing. You do not have to stay focused all the time on that thing. You need to do it once in the morning and once in the evening. Then detach yourself and let God act upon your desire to get you the material form. Let the Universe do it for you. Your job is "what" (what you want), and the work of God is "HOW" (by what method the desire materializes). Be patient, Infinity Intelligence certainly has more knowledge and power than the human being.

Give it a try and you’ll never look back.

Do you know any good techniques for manifesting? 
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